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Start a plan for better money management by reading personal finance books. Some are written in complex economic language, while others break down the subject into more layman's terms. It's a good idea to sit down with a few to compare philosophies and strategies.
Although the "Dummies" title is always a bit odd, this series of books has an easy-to-understand format that outlines information clearly.
The authors of this guide believe that financial planning doesn't have anything to do with money. Curious? The book explains the strategy.
Dave Ramsey is a popular financial expert, with clear-cut advice, such as "work hard, pay what you owe, and stay out of debt." In addition to outlining his approach, this book features testimonials from people who benefited from Ramsey's system.
This classic by Robert T. Kiyosaki doesn't talk as much about money as it does the mindset that helps people manage money more effectively. Different approaches to developing cash flow is a key part of this book.
This financial guide from Jane Bryant Quinn highlights processes that help you manage money more effectively, such as automatic deposits for savings, comparing insurance plans so you get exactly what you need, dealing with mutual funds, and more.
For anyone interested in true frugal living, this is the book for you. The Economides family cares for nine people with approximately $35,000 a year. This book explains the basic principles of thriftiness, many of which aren't hard to execute with the right attitude.
If you're a little intimidated by investing, this book makes it easier to understand. You can simplify the investment process by starting with certain types of portfolios and learning as you go.
Some people respond to straight talk, and that's what Larry Winget delivers in this different kind of personal finance book. Similar to financial advisor Jesse Brown, Winget lays out the hard reality of excess spending and lack of saving while providing solutions to improve both.
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